
Does Your Child Have Depression?

8:28 PM

Has your child been diagnosed with depression? Has your child been struggling with feelings of depression? You may be interested in learning more about the Engage clinical research studies for children and adolescents with major depressive disorder (MDD).

Depression, Clinical Trials, Clinical Research Studies, MDD, Major Depressive Disorder, Engage Clinical Research Studies, Children Depression, Childcare, Depression Child

About the Engage Clinical Research Studies

The Engage clinical research studies are for children and adolescents with MDD. The purpose of the studies is to find out whether two different investigational drugs are safe and effective for children and adolescents who have MDD.

Your child may be able to join an Engage clinical research study if he or she:
• Is 7 to 17 years old
• Has been diagnosed with MDD or has been having feelings of depression

There are other eligibility criteria that your child must meet to participate in an Engage clinical research study. The study staff can discuss these criteria with you in greater detail.

For more information about the Engage clinical research studies, click here

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