
Zika Virus: What Moms (and Child Caretakers) Ought to Do

5:19 PM

Zika Virus, mosquitoes, mosquito bites, Childcare, Mommy Duties, SAHM Tips, Zika, Aedes, Aedes Mosquitoes, Zika Virus Infographic, Insect Repellent

Zika Virus Infographic from Pan American Health Organization 

I might be several thousand miles away from the source of this new and terrifying mosquito-based illness, but it doesn’t change the fact that I go on full-on mommy mode in order to be more vigilant about keeping my kids bite-free. Here are some helpful advice I’ve gathered throughout my research about the Zika virus and how to avoid being bitten by Aedes mosquitoes. Fellow mommies, also make it a point to share this info with your partners, members of the household, and even your children’s teachers and school administrators:

1. Check for stagnant water. Go around the house and make sure there is no stagnant water anywhere – inside or outside. It might be time to have those broken pipes or gutters fixed, if water tends to get stuck there at some point.

2. Keep kids indoors mid-morning and late evenings. These are the times when Aedes mosquitoes tend to be out and start to bite.

3. Religiously apply insect repellent. This isn’t limited to time outdoors, but also at night when the kids are asleep and still, and any Aedes mosquitoes in the dark might want to bite them.

Zika Virus, mosquitoes, mosquito bites, Childcare, Mommy Duties, SAHM Tips, Zika, Aedes, Aedes Mosquitoes, Zika Virus Infographic, Insect Repellent

Can't decide what insect repellent to choose?  Visit to help you choose which brand is safe for your kids.

4. Apply insect repellent not just on the skin, but also on kids’ clothes. Sweat and hand washing might reduce the effectiveness of repellent on skin; applying a thin coat on clothes will also help.

5. Have kids wear clothing that covers as much skin as possible. Heat notwithstanding, have them wear long sleeves, loose pants (mosquitoes can bite through thin leggings), socks and closed shoes whenever possible.

Do you have other helpful suggestions to add to the list? Let me know!

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